Blog tool, publishing platform and CMS

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Immensely Popular TikTok, Other Chinese Apps Are Being ‘Seriously’ Reviewed

The United States is considering restricting Chinese social media platforms as a result of widespread data-mining and national security concerns.Secretary of State Mike Pompeo first addressed the issue Monday, revealing in an interview with Fox News host Laura Ingraham that members of the Trump administration are “looking at” banning prominent video-sharing application TikTok and other…

Draw a map from a GPS data file

Other forms:  Google Earth KML/KMZ, JPEG/PNG/SVG, Quantitative data, GPX/text,  Profiles This form will automatically draw your GPS data (or KML/KMZ file, or plain text data in CSV or tab-delimited format) overlaid upon a variety of background maps and imagery, using either the Google Maps API or Leaflet, an open-source mapping library. Please note that creating a map with…