Other forms: Google Earth KML/KMZ, JPEG/PNG/SVG, Quantitative data, GPX/text, Profiles
This form will automatically draw your GPS data (or KML/KMZ file, or plain text data in CSV or tab-delimited format) overlaid upon a variety of background maps and imagery, using either the Google Maps API or Leaflet, an open-source mapping library.
Please note that creating a map with a very large number of waypoints (or very long tracklogs, especially if speed or altitude colorization is enabled) can cause your Web browser to grind to a halt. If you have thousands of markers, Google Earth might be a better choice.
If you don’t have GPS data and want to interactively draw on a map, use GPS Visualizer’s “sandbox” to create your own GPX or KML file.
Format: LeafletGoogle Maps Width: pixels Height: pixels | |
Full screen mode: | YesNo Title: |
Initial map type: | Google street mapGoogle aerial/satellite imageryGoogle hybrid (streets+satellite)Google terrain (physical map)OpenStreetMapOpenStreetMap + reliefOpenStreetMap (ThunderForest)OpenStreetMap (Komoot)OpenCycleMap (ThunderForest)OpenTopoMapTopo map (4UMaps.eu)ArcGIS street mapArcGIS aerial imageryArcGIS hybrid (aerial+streets)ArcGIS topo/reliefUS: aerial imagery (NAIP)US: USGS topo maps (ArcGIS)US: county outlinesUS: The National AtlasUS: OpenStreetMap + reliefEurope: OpenTopoMapCanada Toporama (NRCan)Canada Toporama, no names”Blue Marble” lo-res Earth Opacity:0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% |
Time offset: | hrs Units: MetricU.S.Nautical (in legend, etc.) |
Your project’s Google API key: [clear] | |
Allow export of map data: YesNo Allow elevation profiles: YesNo | |
Add DEM elevation data: Nobest available sourceUSGS NED1 (30m res., North America)USGS NED2 (60m res., Alaska only)NASA SRTM1 (30m res., NoAm, Europe, more)NASA SRTM3 (90m res., worldwide)ASTER (30m res., very limited availability) |
Generate list of markers: | Nonamesnames, with dividersnames & descriptionsnames & descriptions, w/ dividers Width: px |
(Total size cannot exceed 10 MB; .zip/.gz is supported) | ||||||
Open in new window | ||||||
Force plain text to be this type: defaulttrackpointsroute pointswaypoints | ||||||
(Google Docs spreadsheets or GPX/KML/XML files only) |