
Use the software that powers over 35% of the web. You’re on your way with the latest WordPress! For help getting started, check out our Documentation and Support Forums. Meet other WordPress enthusiasts and share your knowledge at a WordPress meetup group or a WordCamp. To support education about WordPress and open source software, please…

Marketing performanceSince 2018 we’ve partnered with our clients to generate $649M in in-year savings, with a path to exceed $2.5B by year-end 2021. And we’ve improved client ROI by an average of 23%. Creative accelerationWe combine empathy, aesthetic problem solving and quantitative thinking to produce powerful creative that elicits emotion, spurs action and connects brands with…

Marketing Agency

Marketing Agencyadmin2020-07-10T19:14:17+00:00Free Discovery Call Leads Come From First Page Online Presence0%Of Shoppers Search Online Before Making a Purchase0%Of Search Happens On GoogleOur Marketing Team Can Help• Get your website ranking on Google• Increase traffic to your website• Local Business? Optimize and Manage Your Directories• Conversion rate optimization for your e-commerce• Constantly optimize your website with new…

Strategic Enrollment Management

Navitas Bringing A Global PerspectiveNavitas partnership connects U of I education with an international audience. Read the Story Teaching and Learning Center and Memorial Gym Welcome to Campus and MoscowA guide for visiting families and students about the U of I and the local community. Student Success Meeting Students Where They AreStudent Success Initiative takes…

Blog tool, publishing platform and CMS

Trusted by the BestDiscover more sites built with WordPressPowerful Features CustomisableDesigns SEOFriendly ResponsiveMobile Sites HighPerformance Manageon the Go HighSecurity PowerfulMedia Management Easy andAccessible Extend WordPress with over 55,000 plugins to help your website meet your needs. Add an online store, galleries, mailing lists, forums, analytics, and much more. Get Started with WordPressGet WordPress It’s Easy As……

Draw a map from a GPS data file

Other forms:  Google Earth KML/KMZ, JPEG/PNG/SVG, Quantitative data, GPX/text,  Profiles This form will automatically draw your GPS data (or KML/KMZ file, or plain text data in CSV or tab-delimited format) overlaid upon a variety of background maps and imagery, using either the Google Maps API or Leaflet, an open-source mapping library. Please note that creating a map with…