Digital Marketing Specialist Job Description Example

Digital Marketing Specialists create, design, and deliver effective marketing campaigns for their companies or clients.Digital Marketing Specialist Job Description ExampleWhat Does a Digital Marketing Specialist Do?The digital marketing specialist is responsible for creating and designing, as well as delivering of various marketing programs towards supporting growth and expansion of an organization’s products and services, especially…

Columbia Engineering Digital Marketing Boot Camp

Columbia Engineering Digital Marketing Boot Camp | NYC Get Boot Camp Info Classes begin quarterlySubmit your application today. All in-person classes are being offered through our proven virtual classroom experience. Learn more.The rise of the digital world is transforming the way people research, interact with, and make decisions about products and businesses.Columbia Engineering Digital Marketing…


The basic idea of ROI coding is that certain parts of the image that are of higher importance than others are encoded at higher quality than the background (BG) and are transmitted first or at a higher priority [1]-[5].New region of interest image coding using general layered bitplane shift for medical image compressionThe better ROI…

The ROI of Social Media

I was never a fan of the cocktail party-variety networking scene. I will never be one to dart around a room shoving business cards into people’s hands. I prefer meaningful conversations with people, getting to know them and vice versa.But social media networking? That’s something different altogether. Done right, it’s never a hit-and-run. Rather, it…