The basic idea of ROI coding is that certain parts of the image that are of higher importance than others are encoded at higher quality than the background (BG) and are transmitted first or at a higher priority [1]-[5].
The better ROI bet, then, is to look closely at a bundled application suite for IP, particularly one that provides a migration path via open standards, including SIP.
An extremely important element in any ROI calculation is the time flame.
Calculating ROI of a synchronous replication solution is difficult since, if a disaster never happens and the replicated copy is never used, then no value is ever realized–reducing the replication solution to “insurance.” If there is a disaster, then the ability to be back in production on the replicated copy of data in minutes or hours vs.
TCO issues in disk technologies part 2: ROI
ROI benefit: When data is available across business systems, it has more context and increased value.
The time is right for ROI analyzers to begin playing a big role in IT decisions, industry observers say.
No more financial guesswork: ROI analyzers help retailers calculate and project results
The second method of ROI measurement is simpler, but effective.
Income is a good measure when determining return on equity, but it may be inappropriate when measuring ROI. Interest is a financing issue and must not be confused with investing questions.
SM le Roi s’est dit confiant que le Roi Felipe VI, “grace aux qualites qu’il a heritees de votre illustre famille royale, a sa sagesse et sa clairvoyance, poursuivra les efforts que vous avez entrepris en vue de realiser davantage de progres et de developpement pour le peuple espagnol ami et contribuer au raffermissement des relations d’amitie et de cooperation afin de realiser les aspirations de nos peuples amis au progres et a la prosperite”.
Given the importance of ROI for retailers in evaluating store design success, designers and manufacturers must strive for the same metrics.
Prior to the contract, Leiters has passed the ROi’s rigorous onsite quality audit of its new Denver, Colorado 503B cGMP facility.
Leiters signs outsourcing supply agreement with Resource Optimization & Innovation (ROi)
Sa Majeste le Roi Mohammed VI a recu, vendredi au Palais Royal de Rabat, plusieurs nouveaux ambassadeurs dans les missions diplomatiques du Royaume auxquels le Souverain a remis leurs dahirs de nomination.