Boba Cafe – Roblox 0) { var data = perfTiming[0]; duration = data.duration || 0; } } //log to event stream (diagnostic) var params = “&evt=webBundleError&url=” + currentPageUrl + “&ctx=” + ctx + “&fileSourceUrl=” + encodeURIComponent(failedBundle) + “&cdnName=” + (cdnProvider || “unknown”) + “&statusCode=” + (status || “unknown”) + “&loadDuration=” + Math.floor(duration); var img = new Image(); img.src = esUrl + params; }, getCdnInfo: function (failedBundle, ctx, fileType) { if (Roblox.BundleVerifierConstants.cdnLoggingEnabled) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); var counter = this.counterNames;‘GET’, failedBundle, true); var cdnProvider; //succesful request xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xhr.readyState === xhr.HEADERS_RECEIVED) { cdnProvider = xhr.getResponseHeader(“rbx-cdn-provider”); if (cdnProvider && cdnProvider.length > 0) { Roblox.BundleDetector.logToEphemeralCounter(counter.cdnPrefix + cdnProvider + “_” + fileType); } else { Roblox.BundleDetector.logToEphemeralCounter(counter.unknown + “_” + fileType); } } else if (xhr.readyState === xhr.DONE) { // append status to cdn provider so we know its not related to network error. Roblox.BundleDetector.logToEventStream(failedBundle, ctx, cdnProvider, xhr.status); } }; //attach to possible things that can go wrong with the request. //additionally a network error will trigger this callback xhr.onerror = function () { Roblox.BundleDetector.logToEphemeralCounter(counter.unknown + “_” + fileType); Roblox.BundleDetector.logToEventStream(failedBundle, ctx, counter.unknown); }; xhr.send(); } else { this.logToEventStream(failedBundle, ctx); } }, reportResourceError: function (resourceName) { var ephemeralCounterName = this.counterNames.resourceError + “_” + resourceName; this.logToEphemeralCounter(ephemeralCounterName); }, reportResourceLoaded: function (resourceName) { var loadTimeInMs = this.getLoadTime(); if (loadTimeInMs) { var sequenceName = this.counterNames.resourceLoaded + “_” + resourceName; this.logToEphemeralStatistics(sequenceName, loadTimeInMs); } }, reportBundleError: function (bundleTag) { var ephemeralCounterName, failedBundle, ctx, contentType; if (bundleTag.rel && bundleTag.rel === “stylesheet”) { ephemeralCounterName = this.counterNames.cssError; failedBundle = bundleTag.href; ctx = “css”; contentType = bundleContentTypes.css; } else { ephemeralCounterName = this.counterNames.jsError; failedBundle = bundleTag.src; ctx = “js”; contentType = bundleContentTypes.javascript; } //mark that we logged this bundle this.bundlesReported[failedBundle] = true; //e.g. javascriptBundleError_Computer this.logToEphemeralCounter(ephemeralCounterName); //this will also log to event stream this.getCdnInfo(failedBundle, ctx, ctx); var bundleName; if (bundleTag.dataset) { bundleName = bundleTag.dataset.bundlename; } else { bundleName = bundleTag.getAttribute(‘data-bundlename’); } this.getCdnProviderAndReportMetrics(failedBundle, bundleName, loadStates.loadFailure, contentType); }, bundleDetected: function (bundleName) { this.jsBundlesLoaded[bundleName] = true; }, verifyBundles: function (document) { var ephemeralCounterName = this.counterNames.jsFileError, eventContext = ephemeralCounterName; //grab all roblox script tags in the page. var scripts = (document && document.scripts) || window.document.scripts; var errorsList = []; var bundleName; var monitor; for (var i = 0; i 0) { for (var j = 0; j 0) { var slotElm = $(“#”+slotId); if (“:visible”)) { googletag.display(GPTRandomSlotIdentifier); }else { var adParam = Roblox.AdsLibrary.adsParameters[slotId]; if (adParam) { adParam.template = slotElm.html(); slotElm.empty(); } } } } ]]>
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Welcome to Boba Cafe! Join our group for FREE game currency and a FREE pet! HOW TO PLAY: Explore our game and order items from our staff or complete quests to earn currency and purchase items from our shop! Become one of our staff members and serve customers and deal with karens! Try to be on top of our top earning list to earn a prize at the end of the month! Purchase passes to look cooler! Want to work at Boba? Take this short quiz! Public Information Join our communications server below! Tags: cafe restaurant roleplay real world roleplay cafe bakery cafe cafe role play simulation cafe cafe cafe social hangout game simulator world hotel cafe popular tycoon cafe hotel cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe
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“; Roblox.PlaceLauncher.Resources = { RefactorEnabled: “True”, IsProtocolHandlerBaseUrlParamEnabled: “False”, ProtocolHandlerAreYouInstalled: { play: { content: robloxIcon + “
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Checking for Roblox Studio…” }, loader: “” } }; ]]>
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