Loxone Partner Store

Loxone Partner Store | Building Automation & Smart Home Products for Professionals // 0){ jQuery(‘.purpletoggler’).each(function(index, value){ jQuery(this).children(‘.toggler’).append(”); }); jQuery(‘.ce_accordion’).on(‘click’, ‘.toggler’, function(){ content = jQuery(this).next(‘.accordion’); if(!content.is(‘:animated’)){ jQuery(this).toggleClass(‘open’); content.slideToggle(); } }); } }); // maxlength for reference field (checkout) jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery(“#bestellreferenz”).attr(“maxlength”, “50”); }); // youtube overlay function jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery(‘.yt-overlay’).magnificPopup({ disableOn: 0, type: ‘iframe’, mainClass: ‘mfp-fade…


How to get started? With our tutorials, you will learn how to use LaTeX in no time. Step by step lessons help you to create a document fast and simple. No need to download or install an editor, you can follow most tutorials right away in your browser. What is this? LaTeX is a markup language to…


Every wedding should be as individual as the couple. For many couples, that means adding features and decorations that truly reflect your style.Waterview in Bicentennial Park provides a flexible, blank canvas for you to create your dream wedding. Take advantage of Waterview’s beautiful parkland location. Use the gardens, lake and waterways as magnificent scenic backdrops…

Siren Marine

The Siren Marine App gives you real-time information about your boat. View and monitor all your boat’s critical systems on a single, easy-to-use dashboard. Track your boat’s location and set a geofence to be alerted if it moves. Control lights, A/C and digital switching systems with the touch of a button. With the Siren Marine…

Apple Will Accept App Store Submissions Through the Holiday This

Apple has just announced that it would continue to accept new App Store submissions through the holiday season this year, therefore changing an approach it’s been using for years. More specifically, the Cupertino-based tech giant typically suspended the submissions between certain dates during the holiday season for obvious reasons. But this year, the company explains…