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Touch Pure Air Vienna Edition
Item no.: 100501
USD 251.00
Does not include programming and installation by a certified Loxone Partner. Price shown is the Loxone partner purchase price. This price does not include planning, installation and services.
Touch Nightlight Air Vienna Edition
Item no.: 100494
USD 307.00
Does not include programming and installation by a certified Loxone Partner. Price shown is the Loxone partner purchase price. This price does not include planning, installation and services.
Touch Pure Tree Vienna Edition
Item no.: 100493
USD 251.00
Does not include programming and installation by a certified Loxone Partner. Price shown is the Loxone partner purchase price. This price does not include planning, installation and services.
LED Ceiling Light RGBW Tree Vienna Edition
Item no.: 100495
USD 409.00
Does not include programming and installation by a certified Loxone Partner. Price shown is the Loxone partner purchase price. This price does not include planning, installation and services.
Pendulum Slim RGBW Tree Vienna Edition
Item no.: 100492
USD 395.00
Does not include programming and installation by a certified Loxone Partner. Price shown is the Loxone partner purchase price. This price does not include planning, installation and services.
Flush-mounted Presence Sensor Tree Vienna Edition
Item no.: 100498
USD 139.00
Does not include programming and installation by a certified Loxone Partner. Price shown is the Loxone partner purchase price. This price does not include planning, installation and services.
LED Spot RGBW Tree Vienna Edition
Item no.: 100491
USD 111.00
Does not include programming and installation by a certified Loxone Partner. Price shown is the Loxone partner purchase price. This price does not include planning, installation and services.
Flush-mounted Power Supply 0.25A
Item no.: 100474
USD 35.00
Does not include programming and installation by a certified Loxone Partner. Price shown is the Loxone partner purchase price. This price does not include planning, installation and services.
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Touch Tree
Item no.: 100425
USD 105.00
Does not include programming and installation by a certified Loxone Partner. Price shown is the Loxone partner purchase price. This price does not include planning, installation and services.
LED Spot RGBW Tree White
Item no.: 100330
USD 100.31
Does not include programming and installation by a certified Loxone Partner. Price shown is the Loxone partner purchase price. This price does not include planning, installation and services.
Relay Extension
Item no.: 100038
USD 415.98
Does not include programming and installation by a certified Loxone Partner. Price shown is the Loxone partner purchase price. This price does not include planning, installation and services.
Item no.: 100335
USD 757.81
Does not include programming and installation by a certified Loxone Partner. Price shown is the Loxone partner purchase price. This price does not include planning, installation and services.