(PDF) Targeting Young Adults: The Effectiveness of Social Media Use

No caption available… No caption available… No caption available… No caption available… AdvertisementTargeting Young Adults: The Effectiveness ofSocial Media Use for Local BusinessesAmy L. Bitner, abitner94@gmail.comPia A. Albinsson, albinssonpa@appstate.edu*IntroductionSocial media has been constantly evolving and growing in popularity since itsdevelopment. Approximately 65% of adults are using some form of social media (PewResearch Center, 2015). Social media is also growing…

Google launches ‘Google Guaranteed’ businesses in Toronto and Vancouver

Today, Google is looking to give small businesses in Toronto and Vancouver a new way to reach local customers with its money-back, ‘Google Guaranteed’ ads platform.Local Services is a new type of Google ad, that gives small, local services companies the ‘Google Guarantee.’ Being guaranteed means that Google verifies the business and if customers are not satisfied with the…


4. CD-SEM – What is a Critical Dimension SEM? : Hitachi High-Tech GLOBAL This website uses JavaScript. If you do not have JavaScript enabled in your browser, this website may not function or appear properly. Please enable JavaScript in your browser settings when using this website. Skip to main content Source

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