College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies

What are the guiding principles?The C3 is driven by the following shared principles about high quality social studies education:Social studies prepares the nation’s young people for college, careers, and civic life. Inquiry is at the heart of social studies. Social studies involves interdisciplinary applications and welcomes integration of the arts and humanities. Social studies is…

Kansas City Marketing & Advertising

UNIQUE WEBSITE DESIGNMULTI-CHANNEL DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGYUNPARALLELED CUSTOMER SERVICEGET MORE LEADSWE ELEVATE BRANDSOur company story began with one mission: to develop websites for RV dealerships. Over the years that single mission has grown into a much larger vision – providing digital marketing solutions for businesses who want to grow their customer base and get more leads.…

ブログから大規模サイトまで作れる CMS

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