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ニコニコ maxWidth ? maxWidth : Math.max(baseWidth, minWidth), height: baseWidth > maxWidth ? maxHeight : Math.max(minHeight * (baseWidth / minWidth), minHeight) }; } var angle = screenOrientationAngle(); var size = angle !== null ? (angle % 180 === 0 // portrait時に広告を表示した時のサイズ設定 ? { portrait: getOverlayAdSize(_window.screen.width), landscape: getOverlayAdSize(_window.screen.height) } // landscape時に広告を表示した時のサイズ設定 : { portrait: getOverlayAdSize(_window.screen.height), landscape: getOverlayAdSize(_window.screen.width)…

Dow’s 6-day winning streak ends as stocks close lower on

Michael Lee Strategy founder Michael Lee says expectations are low as markets ring in the new year. U.S. stocks fell Thursday despite better-than-expected jobless claims and manufacturing data.  The Dow Jones Industrial Average ended its six-day winning streak, falling 90.55 points, or 0.25%, while the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite declined 0.30% and 0.16%, respectively.…

City of Norfolk, Virginia

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