Transcript for Pelosi calls Trump’s targeting of social media companies ‘outrageous’
It is outrageous but it does not an outrageous situation. While Twitter is putting up there. Fact check it under what the president says about voting they still won’t take off. The misrepresentations. The president is putting out there by the death. A and gentleman whose wife. Died and he’s asking them to take down the president’s misrepresentations. So it’s. Yes we like Twitter to put up their fact check the present but it seems to be very selective. There is selected and of course you know my view of this and I said it before. FaceBook all of them. Now they’re making money they’re business model is to make money. At the expense of the truce in the facts and that they know and they defend. They defend that I think. FaceBook has made tens of billions of dollars during this period of time and people are so reliant on social media. And they testified that they had no. Responsibility for the troops. Or. Where they practice is that what they are. Is somebody was avoiding taxes and regulation. And that’s what they’re back and cellular in my new C. You. All they want is to not pay taxes but they got their tax break in 2017. The tax scam that gable is advantages to the high end. And they don’t want to deregulate. Said they pander. To the White House Q is she would. FaceBook took a Fergus. Saying today about all of this just panders. Tax cuts no regulation. Arab business model is to misrepresent the facts and to be a platform to do that and try to hide under freedom of speech which is of course. A complete. Violation of everything. Freedom of speech stands for freedom and they know they knew during the 2016. Elections that the am Russian swept. Were engaged in sell play venue because they saw where the money was coming from never occurred to them to check on. So it again what the president is doing his. It’s it’s a motioning. People who have been in cahoots with each other. It was a no honor lengthy chefs that really kind of when it comes down to they’ve they’ve all exploited the truth. And her. Some have made money off of it and some of many political capital off of the misrepresentations. But with the president is doing is simply. It’s up but like I say that it’s a distraction. I opened this named Tonya got testing has been saved lines open our economy centered kids back to schools save lives in the rest. We’re talking about. Twitter. Let’s get back to think much can.
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{“duration”:”3:00″,”description”:”House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also said most social media companies are in the business of making money “at the expense of the truths and the facts.””,”mediaType”:”default”,”section”:”ABCNews/Politics”,”id”:”70931684″,”title”:”Pelosi calls Trump’s targeting of social media companies ‘outrageous’”,”url”:”/Politics/video/pelosi-calls-trumps-targeting-social-media-companies-outrageous-70931684″}