Here is our guide of social media colors for 50 of the top social and technology brands.
Each entry has the main HEX and RGB value for each social media platform, plus secondary and accent colors listed underneath.
Do you need SASS or LESS variables instead of HEX or RGB values? We have those too. Use our quick links to jump to the bottom of the page.
These were sourced from the official brand guidelines for each social media platform, wherever a brand guideline existed. The branding colors on this page were last audited and updated on July 16th, 2020 to add the brand colors for Alexa and TikTok.
Alphabetical Quick Links To Social Media Colors in HEX and RGB
- 500px
- Alexa
- Amazon
- Android
- Angie’s List
- Apple
- Clarity
- DeviantArt
- Discord
- Dribbble
- Flickr
- Foursquare
- Glassdoor
- Google+
- HomeAdvisor
- Houzz
- Listly
- Mastodon
- Medium
- Microsoft
- Periscope
- Quora
- Skype
- Slack
- SlideShare
- Snapchat
- Soundcloud
- Spotify
- Steam
- StumbleUpon
- Swarm
- Telegram
- TikTok
- Tumblr
- Twitch
- Vimeo
- Vine
- VK
- Yahoo!
- Yelp
- YouTube
Blue Hex: #1877f2
RGB: 24, 119, 242
rgb(59, 89, 152)
Blue Hex: #1da1f2
RGB: 29, 161, 242
rgb(20, 23, 26)
rgb(170, 184, 194)
rgb(225, 232, 237)
rgb(245, 248, 250)
Red Hex: #ff0000
RGB: 255, 0, 0
rgb(40, 40, 40)
rgb(255, 255, 255)
Magenta Hex: #c32aa3
RGB: 195, 42, 163
rgb(76, 95, 215)
rgb(114, 50, 189)
rgb(244, 111, 48)
rgb(255, 220, 125)
Red Hex: #bd081c
RGB: 189, 8, 28
Blue Hex: #007bb5
RGB: 0, 119, 181
rgb(0, 0, 0)
rgb(255, 255, 255)
rgb(0, 160, 220)
Blue Hex: #4285f4
RGB: 66, 133, 244
rgb(234, 67, 53)
rgb(52, 168, 83)
rgb(251, 188, 5)
Yellow Hex: #fffc00
RGB: 255, 252, 0
rgb(255, 255, 255)
rgb(0, 0, 0)
Green Hex: #25d366
RGB: 37, 211, 102
rgb(7, 94, 84)
rgb(18, 140, 126)
rgb(220, 248, 198)
rgb(52, 183, 241)
Blue Hex: #35465d
RGB: 54, 70, 93
Orange Hex: #ff4500
RGB: 255, 69, 0
rgb(255, 87, 0)
rgb(206, 227, 248)
rgb(51, 102, 153)
rgb(95, 153, 207)
Black Hex: #010101
RGB: 1, 1, 1
rgb(105, 201, 208)
rgb(238, 29, 82)
rgb(255, 255, 255)
Red Hex: #d32323
RGB: 211, 35, 35
Blue Hex: #2b90d9
RGB: 43, 144, 217
rgb(40, 44, 55)
rgb(155, 174, 200)
rgb(217, 225, 232)
Green Hex: #1ed760
RGB: 30, 215, 96
rgb(29, 185, 84)
rgb(255, 255, 255)
rgb(25, 20, 20)
Gray Hex: #a6b1b7
RGB: 166, 177, 183
rgb(0, 0, 0)
rgb(51, 51, 51)
rgb(187, 187, 187)
rgb(255, 255, 255)
Orange Hex: #ff9900
RGB: 255, 153, 0
Blue Hex: #00a7ce
RGB: 0, 167, 206
rgb35, 47, 62)
rgb(255, 255, 255)
Red Hex: #f35022
Red RGB: 243, 80, 34
Green Hex: #80bb03
Green RGB: 128, 187, 3
Blue Hex: #03a5f0
Blue RGB: 3, 165, 240
Yellow Hex: #ffb903
Yellow RGB: 255, 185, 3
Blue Hex: #40a4c4
RGB: 64, 164, 196
rgb(213, 85, 72)
rgb(124, 214, 241)
rgb(63, 77, 81)
rgb(164, 184, 190)
Pink Hex: #f94877
Pink RGB: 249, 72, 119
rgb(7, 50, 130)
rgb(45, 91, 227)
Orange Hex: #ffa633
RGB: 255, 166, 51
rgb(240, 109, 27)
rgb(255, 167, 28)
rgb(33, 130, 235)
Green Hex: #02b875
RGB: 2, 184, 117
rgb(18, 16, 14)
rgb(255, 255, 255)
rgb(232, 243, 236)
rgb(0, 171, 107)
Blue Hex: #1ab7ea
RGB: 26, 183, 234
rgb(22, 34, 33)
rgb(255, 255, 255)
rgb(0, 0, 0)
Blue Hex: #00aff0
RGB: 0, 175, 240
rgb(0, 120, 215)
Green Hex: #a4c639
RGB: 164, 198, 57
Maroon Hex: #aa2200
RGB: 170, 34, 0
rgb(255, 255, 255)
rgb(43, 109, 173)
Pink Hex: #ea4c89
RGB: 234, 76, 137
rgb(195, 35, 97)
rgb(68, 68, 68)
rgb(155, 165, 168)
Purple Hex: #4a154b
RGB: 74, 21, 75
rgb(54, 197, 240)
rgb(46, 182, 125)
rgb(224, 30, 90)
rgb(236, 178, 46)
Orange Hex: #e94826
RGB: 233, 72, 38
rgb(235, 73, 36)
rgb(228, 229, 231)
rgb(0, 0, 0)
Pink Hex: #f40083
Pink RGB: 244, 0, 131
Blue Hex: #006add
Blue RGB: (0, 106, 221)
rgb(255, 25, 129)
rgb(23, 127, 255)
rgb(255, 0, 132)
rgb(36, 109, 214)
Purple Hex: #6001d2
RGB: 96, 1, 210
Purple Hex: #9146ff
RGB: 145, 70, 255
rgb(240, 240, 255)
rgb(0, 0, 0)
Orange Hex: #ff5500
RGB: 255, 85, 0
rgb(255, 119, 0)
rgb(255, 51, 0)
rgb(255, 75, 0)
rgb(255, 56, 1)
Green Hex: #05cc47
RGB: 5, 204, 71
rgb(31, 54, 38)
rgb(66, 112, 79)
rgb(77, 196, 125)
rgb(212, 245, 222)
Pink Hex: #ee4056
RGB: 238, 64, 86
rgb(239, 62, 86)
rgb(66, 183, 176)
rgb(155, 207, 204)
rgb(131, 237, 184)
rgb(80, 188, 182)
rgb(252, 182, 67)
Orange Hex: #e68523
Orange RGB: 230, 133, 35
Blue Hex: #00a0dc
Blue RGB: 0, 160, 220
rgb(0, 119, 181)
Blue Hex: #0099e5
RGB: 0, 153, 229
rgb(34, 34, 34)
rgb(255, 255, 255)
Blue Hex: #4a76a8
RGB: 74, 118, 168
rgb(81, 129, 184)
rgb(42, 88, 133)
rgb(237, 238, 240)
rgb(247, 248, 250)
Navy Hex: #171A21
RGB: 23, 26, 33
rgb(102, 192, 244)
rgb(27, 40, 56)
rgb(42, 71, 94)
rgb(199, 213, 224)
Blurple Hex: #7289da
RGB: 114, 137, 218
rgb(255, 255, 255)
rgb(153, 170, 181)
rgb(44, 47, 51)
rgb(35, 39, 42)
Blue Hex: #0088cc
RGB: 0, 136, 204
Blue Hex: #61bed9
RGB: 97, 190, 217
Orange Hex: #df6d46
Orange RGB: 223, 109, 70
Blue Hex: #52b1b3
Blue RGB: (82, 177, 179)
rgb(206, 79, 36)
rgb(51, 51, 51)
rgb(64, 144, 146)
rgb(34, 34, 34)
Orange Hex: #f89000
RGB: 248, 144, 0
Green Hex: #4dbc15
RGB: 77, 188, 21
Angie’s List
Green Hex: #29a036
RGB: 41, 160, 54
Green Hex: #0caa41
RGB: 0, 175, 65
Shuttered Social Networks
These are brand colors for social networks which are no longer active.
Red Hex: #db4437
RGB: 219, 68, 55
Green Hex: #00b489
RGB: 0, 180, 137
Social Media Colors: Sass Variables
/** * Sass Variables * Social Media Brand Colors */ $facebook: #1877f2; $facebookold: #3b5998; $twitter: #1da1f2; $youtube: #ff0000; $instagrammagenta: #c32aa3; $instagramblue: #4c5fd7; $instagrampurple: #7232bd; $instagramorange: #f46f30; $instagramyellow: #ffdc7d; $googleblue: #4285f4; $googlered: #ea4335; $googleyellow: #fbbc05; $googlegreen: #34a853; $pinterest: #bd081c; $googleplus: #db4437; $linkedin: #007bb5; $vimeoblue: #1ab7ea; $tumblr: #2c4762; $snapchat: #fffc00; $whatsappgreen: #25d366; $whatsappteal1: #075e54; $whatsappteal2: #128c7e; $tiktokblack: #010101; $tiktookblue: #69c9d0; $tiktokpink: #ee1d52; $tiktokwhite: #fff; $mastodon: #2b90d9; $apple: #a6b1b7; $amazon: #ff9900; $alexablue: #00a7ce; $alexadkblue: #232f3e; $microsoftred: #f35022; $microsoftgreen: #80bb03; $microsoftblue: #03a5f0; $microsoftyellow: #ffb903; $periscope: #40a4c4; $foursquarepink: #f94877; $foursquarenavy: #073282; $foursquareblue: #2d5be3; $yelp: #d32323; $swarm: #ffa633; $medium: #02b875; $skypeblue: #00aff0; $skypedkblue: #0078d7; $android: #a4c639; $stumbleupon: #e94826; $flickrpink: #f40083; $flickrblue: #006add; $yahoo: #430297; $twitch: #9146ff; $soundcloud: #ff5500; $spotifygreen: #1ed760; $spotifydarkgreen: #1db954; $dribbble: #ea4c89; $slackpurple: #4a154b; $slackblue: #36c5f0; $slackgreen: #2eb67d; $slackred: #e01e5a; $slackyellow: #ecb22e; $reddit: #ff5700; $deviantart: #05cc47; $pocket: #ee4056; $quora: #aa2200; $quorablue: #2b6dad; $slideshareorange: #e68523; $slideshareblue: #00a0dc; $fivehundredpx: #0099e5; $vk: #4a76a8; $listlyorange: #df6d46; $listlyblue: #52b1b3; $vine: #00b489; $steam: #171a21; $discord: #7289da; $telegram: #0088cc; $clarity: #61bed9; $homeadvisor: #f89000; $houzz: #4dbc15; $angieslist: #29a036; $glassdoor: #0caa41;
Social Media Colors: LESS Variables
/** * LESS Variables * Social Media Colors */ @facebook: #1877f2; @facebookold: #3b5998; @twitter: #1da1f2; @youtube: #ff0000; @instagrammagenta: #c32aa3; @instagramblue: #4c5fd7; @instagrampurple: #7232bd; @instagramorange: #f46f30; @instagramyellow: #ffdc7d; @googleblue: #4285f4; @googlered: #ea4335; @googleyellow: #fbbc05; @googlegreen: #34a853; @pinterest: #bd081c; @googleplus: #db4437; @linkedin: #007bb5; @vimeoblue: #1ab7ea; @tumblr: #2c4762; @snapchat: #fffc00; @whatsappgreen: #25d366; @whatsappteal1: #075e54; @whatsappteal2: #128c7e; @tiktokblack: #010101; @tiktookblue: #69c9d0; @tiktokpink: #ee1d52; @tiktokwhite: #fff; @mastodon: #2b90d9; @apple: #a6b1b7; @amazon: #ff9900; @alexablue: #00a7ce; @alexadkblue: #232f3e; @microsoftred: #f35022; @microsoftgreen: #80bb03; @microsoftblue: #03a5f0; @microsoftyellow: #ffb903; @periscope: #40a4c4; @foursquarepink: #f94877; @foursquarenavy: #073282; @foursquareblue: #2d5be3; @yelp: #d32323; @swarm: #ffa633; @medium: #02b875; @skypeblue: #00aff0; @skypedkblue: #0078d7; @android: #a4c639; @twitch: #9146ff; @stumbleupon: #e94826; @flickrpink: #f40083; @flickrblue: #006add; @yahoo: #430297; @soundcloud: #ff5500; @spotifygreen: #1ed760; @spotifydarkgreen: #1db954; @dribbble: #ea4c89; @slackpurple: #4a154b; @slackblue: #36c5f0; @slackgreen: #2eb67d; @slackred: #e01e5a; @slackyellow: #ecb22e; @reddit: #ff5700; @deviantart: #05cc47; @pocket: #ee4056; @quora: #aa2200; @quorablue: #2b6dad; @slideshareorange: #e68523; @slideshareblue: #00a0dc; @fivehundredpx: #0099e5; @vk: #4a76a8; @listlyorange: #df6d46; @listlyblue: #52b1b3; @vine: #00b489; @steam: #171a21; @discord: #7289da; @telegram: #0088cc; @clarity: #61bed9; @homeadvisor: #f89000; @houzz: #4dbc15; @angieslist: #29a036; @glassdoor: #0caa41;
What other social media colors should be listed here? Let me know in the comments below.
Tags: Branding, Color Theory, Facebook, Social Media, Visual DesignOriginally Published: February 26th, 2019