Top travel trends for 2023 – including giving up takeaways to boost holiday budget | Travel News | Travel |
Brits are still planning to holiday abroad in 2023, despite having to tighten purse strings – and will give up eating out, TV subscriptions, and their favourite takeaways to do so. A poll of 2,000 adults found 23 percent hope to take two trips within the next 12 months, and are willing to forgo socialising (21 percent) and buying new clothes (36 percent) as a way of saving money.
A quarter of Brits plan to take two trips in the coming year (Image: SWNS)
More than six in ten (61 percent) consider a holiday essential for their mental wellbeing, which explains the measures some people are taking.
New destinations are on the radar for 34 percent, while a fifth see travelling abroad as a way of stepping out of their comfort zone.
Exploration holidays are at the forefront of the mind for the over-55s, while 64 percent of those aged 25 to 34 are all about the beach.
A spokesman for London Luton Airport, which commissioned the survey to identify the travel trends of 2023, said: “Last year saw a continued rise in demand for air travel, with over 13 million leisure and business passengers travelling through London Luton Airport.”
More than half (51 percent) of the over-55s are keen to visit locations off the beaten track now they are fully able to travel again.
Nearly two-thirds of this generation find multi-destination holidays the most appealing – while those aged 18 to 24 are keen to choose something with a bit more adventure.
Four in ten will book their 2023 holidays using only travel offers and deals (Image: SWNS)
A voyage of self-discovery is the key agenda for 14 percent, while the younger generation – those aged 18-24 – admit they will be looking for love (15 percent).
But with the cost-of-living crisis looming over us all, half of respondents (49 percent) have rethought their holiday plans for the year ahead, with 23 percent opting for cheaper destinations.
More than four in ten of those polled, via OnePoll, will only be looking at offers and deals as a way of managing to pay for their vacation, while 28 percent plan on booking each holiday component separately to get the best price.
It also emerged nearly a fifth (19 percent) are considering going away with family members, to keep the costs down.
Thinking ahead, 27 percent already have a dedicated savings pot for next year’s holiday, while 22 percent typically do this more than a year in advance.
- Sunshine, not Spaghetti – People are picking exploring over eating, as they plan on cutting down on meals out and takeaways to afford a holiday abroad.
- Savvy sightseeing – Looking for ways to decrease the cost of a trip, people will be using money-saving methods, like cashback services, or great offers or deals.
- Empty Nest Explorers – The over-55s want to travel the world and visit new and exciting destinations, while looking for a complete culture shock.
- Boomerang travellers – Not wanting to take risks, people will be revisiting destinations this year as opposed to new ones, as they know it will be good value for money.
- Transformative travels – People will be using their holiday to reconnect with themselves, and incorporate the growth from their trip into their day-to-day life.
- Set-jetting – Travelling to destinations that have been featured in well-known TV shows or films will be popular.
- Budget Brady Bunchers – Travelling with parents or family members is a serious option for some to help with sharing the cost of a holiday.
- Ruby Slippering – People have made the decision to choose to travel in their home country, rather than take a trip further afield.
- See, Eat, Lay – Seeing local landmarks, trying local cuisine, and relaxing on the beach, are the most sought-after holiday activities.
- Sunshine Saving – Putting money aside to afford a holiday abroad in the future is the only way for some travellers.
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