Social media has become a large part of marketing. Social media is a tool that is often used to reach and engage various audiences. Organizations today have a need to learn how to modify their communications plans to include social media and ways to better engage with the diverse audiences that now exists. This list offers video information, research journals, as well as social media books that help any organization develop a stronger and more diverse social media plans while offering various ways to better engage diverse audiences.
Strategic Marketing Issues in Emerging Markets, offers assistance in understanding the emerging market of advertising and what any business or individual can do to keep up with the changes in audiences, and technology that makes engaging all audiences difficult. This book contains many articles that provide information on diverse marketing strategies and how to implement the internet and social media.
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Several issues of the Journal of Marketing contains articles that contain helpful information on branding and engaging diverse markets through social media. The Journal of Marketing, in its recent issues, also provide articles on how to engage and grow your followers, specifically for different generations such as Gen X’ers, and Millenials. Many of the journal articles also include insight on strategic planning for diversity.
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This YouTube video was published on August 1, 2017. In this video Kelly McDonald, an expert on diversity, marketing, and consumer trends, shares insight on how business’ and anyone in today’s marketing world has a need to plan and prepare for diversity. Mrs. McDonald emphasis how important it is to be relevant to your desired audience when marketing and how diversity should be seen as an opportunity for any organization. The video also reminds us of the need to have a strategic plan for diversity now and not for the future, because the world is already diverse and we should not wait to include diversity in our marketing plans.
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In this video titled Multicultural Marketing & Communications: Researching Diverse Audiences Through Social Media. Several PRSA members discuss their ideas and opinions on the best ways to incorporate diversity inclusion through marketing strategies. The video offers information on the importance of taking the time to step back and have a strategic plan that will increase the engagement of diverse audiences. Emphasis is also given on the need to listen and watch what is happening on social media, and view what is working for others in marketing, as this will allow you to learn and find new ideas for engaging your audiences.
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An article titled Organization-Public “Friendship”? Exploring User-Based Engagement in Social Media, results of a study done are reviewed and help those in marketing understand why social media users, specifically those that engage more with organizations on social media, seek friendship with organizations over social media. Details of this article, help in understanding ideas that others can use to understand their audiences, what encourages them to follow them on social media and be more engaged in what the organization or business shares over social media. Due to how diverse audiences are today, this article provides details on what kinds of engagement may help their followers seek them out on social media.
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With the increased use of social media, the need to learn how to reach diverse groups of people who use social media grows. Learning to market to a diverse audience can sometimes become limited to only culturally diverse populations. Creative marketing and strategic planning also mean reaching out to diverse populations such as audiences of different ages, genders, or political beliefs. This article shares some insight on how one financial planning group used some creative, out of the box, ideas to target their desired audience, and how their creative marketing strategy also gained the attention of another diverse audience.
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Social media has become a tool to market to audiences and increase social engagement. This knowledge has encouraged advocacy groups to also seek out social media for increased civic engagement and action. Non-profit groups and advocacy groups find social media more cost-effective, easier to use and believe that it also allows for a broader reach in a faster time frame. The use of social media is not only beneficial for marketing to consumers, but it can also benefit political, and non-profit groups, specifically those that may have a global and diverse audience.
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