As a multi-location business, managing social media can be difficult and time-consuming. Luckily, Facebook makes it easy for you to manage multiple location pages, adding a map to your main Facebook page and providing a “Locations tab.”
This post will break down how to add multiple locations to your Facebook page as well as if this is the right step for your business.
Who Should Add Locations to Their Facebook Page?
If you have a multi-location business and you want all your locations to show up on a map on your business’s main Facebook page, then adding locations might be right for you.
Here are a few reasons you might want to have locations highlighted on your Facebook Page:
- You want customers to be able to find and review locations of your business separate from your main Page
- You want to track store visits
- You want to offer location-specific content
- You want to advertise each location from its Page
A Quick Warning About Adding Locations to Your Facebook Page
While Facebook lists many benefits of adding locations to your main Facebook Page, this may not be for everyone. First off, you will have to manage content for each location (or post the same thing to every location). Secondly, you could lose your business’s reviews.
To learn more about Facebook reviews, click here.
How to Add Multiple Locations to Your Business’s Facebook Page
- First, you’ll need to make sure you have admin or editor access to your Facebook Page. Only admins and editors can make big changes to your Page. You can check this in Settings > Page Roles. Once you’re an admin, you should be able to start adding locations.
- Delete any address in your Page’s settings.
- In Facebook Business Manager, go to Assets > Business Locations. Click Get Started.
- At this point, you can either manually add each location (Facebook recommends this if you have 10 or fewer locations) or upload locations using Facebooks CSV template. (This is recommended if you have more than 10 locations).
- You can also migrate existing pages if you have already created separate Facebook pages for each location.
You can do this from your Facebook Page as well, and it’s a similar process. You will need to have locations set up first, though. Once you start adding locations, Facebook will prompt you to remove your address and remove or move your business’s reviews.
So, should you really have multiple locations on your Facebook page?
That’s up to you. While it can be beneficial, especially if you have the time to create content for each of your locations, it can also be time-consuming. Plus, you could lose your business’s current Facebook reviews.
Starting from scratch is no fun, but if you’re confident that you can easily build those reviews back up or if you don’t have many Facebook reviews, then this could be the right step for you.
If your page is well established, though, with lots of positive reviews, hiding or migrating those reviews to location pages could be a full-time job.
Still, if you want to track store visits or you feel adding locations to your Page is right for you, follow the above steps and you should have those locations ready in no time!
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