Studies show that when a web page doesn’t load within three seconds 25% of visitors will already have left. A slow website or even a delay when loading a web page is guaranteed to lose visitors and therefore also potential customers. Testing and optimizing page speed is essential. Make use of the tools and techniques you can find on this website to optimize the performance of your website.
Fully optimize your website performance. Learn more about the various page speed techniques below.
Enable Gzip compression
Reduce the size of your web files by an average of 60-70% by enabling GZIP compression.
Optimize CSS delivery
Optimize CSS delivery for faster page rendering by inlining, defer loading, compressing and learning what to do and what not to do.
Defer load CSS
Defer load low priority CSS scripts to render your web pages quicker by loading them after the important above-the-fold CSS has loaded.
Leverage Browser Caching
Leverage browser caching to speed up your website. Learn about the other various methods to enable caching server side and client side.
Inline CSS scripts
Instantly render your CSS by calling it from the HTML head. Avoid the use of render-blocking CSS scripts.
Make fewer HTTP requests
Make fewer HTTP requests to minimize parallel downloads by reducing the amount of files your web pages load to a minimum.
Use less Javascripts
Learn to detect and remove Javascripts your web pages don’t necessarily need to correctly load your web pages.
Set up the critical rendering path
Set up the critical rendering path to optimize the initial above-the-fold view your visitors see when loading a web page.
Lazy load images
Lazy load images and instead only load them when the vistors is viewing them. This speeds up the loading of the above-the-fold content.
Optimize images
Optimize your images by reducing their file size to a bare minimum to speed your website up.
How to speed up WordPress
Optimize your WordPress website by using various plugins, tricks and methods.
Fix broken requests
Detect and fix all broken links, images and other files to improve performance. Broken requests can slow your web pages down.
Use the right hosting
Which type of hosting is best for speed but also low priced? Shared, VPS, dedicated or another type?
How to speed up Apache
Learn how to speed up a Apache server by tweaking its settings and using free applications.
Don’t use CSS @import
Avoid using CSS @import to load external CSS files to avoid slowing your web page down.
Use a CDN
Use a Content Delivery Network to provide your visitors with the fastest response & download times.
Enable keep-alive
Make sure you have keep-alive enabled to allow multiple browser connections without using multiple TCP connections.
Avoid redirects
Avoid using unnecessary redirects, stop them from slowing your website down.
Use one of the below tools to improve your website speed.
PNG Compressor
Reduce the file size of PNG images while keeping quality.
JPEG Compressor
Play with the quality and size of JPEG images to reduce file size.
Caching Test
Check whether and how your website files are cached.
Base64 Encoder
Encode web files into a Base64 string to reduce HTTP requests.
Line Breaks Remover
Remove line breaks from your scripts to reduce file size.